Services a goldmine as government cluster ends

Services a goldmine as government cluster ends

Two services vendors are sharing $9 million in spoils from the final days of the government's Group 5 outsourcing cluster.

Getronics has won a $6.9 million, three-year infrastructure support contract by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources while Macquarie Corporate Telecommunications won a $2 million Internet-related services contract.

Telstra Enterprise Services previously had the services business of the Group 5 outsourcing cluster locked up, but the government's shift to selective sourcing has meant each of the five departments will test the market again.

Under the new contract, Getronics will provide internal network support, including file and printer services, application servers, and desktop and network support, according to the Department.

Macquarie will provide web hosting and secure Internet access over three years for the Department's email and web browsing services.

"The new service providers are already working with us to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements in June when the current Group 5 outsourcing contract with Telstra Enterprise Service expires," secretary for the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Mark Paterson, said.

Under the new policy, the Department will regain responsibility for its help desk and asset procurement.

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