United Nations looks to SAP for ERP system

United Nations looks to SAP for ERP system

UN confirms it's in negotiations with vendor; deal may be worth $300M, German paper says

The United Nations may be on the verge of installing an ERP system from SAP AG, potentially resulting in one of the largest public-sector deployments to date for the Walldorf, Germany-based software vendor.

A UN spokesman said Friday that SAP had won the right to negotiate a deal with the organization but that a contract had not yet been finalized.

According to a report by Reuters, a German newspaper, citing unnamed sources at the UN, published a story on Wednesday saying that the deal could be worth as much as US$300 million to SAP.

SAP already has a large presence in the public sector. For example, some of its ERP customers within the US government include the Department of Homeland Security and the US Customs and Border Protection agency, a DHS unit that combines the former Customs Service and Border Patrol.

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