Samsung E2510 mobile phone

Samsung E2510 mobile phone

This stylish Samsung mobile phone boasts stereo Bluetooth, removable storage and an FM radio for just $59

Samsung's latest entry-level mobile phone is the E2510. Sporting a glossy black front case with silver edging, this squarish clamshell handset represents great value for money, thanks to Bluetooth, an FM radio, a music player and a microSD card slot for extra memory — all for just $59.

The Samsung E2510's glossy front and silver edging makes it look like a much more expensive handset, especially at first glance. However, the plain matte black plastic on the rear and surrounding the keypad feels cheap. Although the Samsung E2510 feels reasonably well constructed, this isn't a mobile phone you'll want to treat roughly.

Despite all the room on the front, there is no external display on the Samsung E2510. We would have appreciated even a simple status light to notify us of incoming calls or texts; you'll want to make sure the "flip to answer" setting remains switched off, otherwise it's impossible to reject calls without accidentally answering them. The side-mounted external volume controls and dedicated music button are nice touches for a low-end handset, but having to flip open the phone to view missed calls and incoming messages is an annoyance we could have done without.

Thankfully, the Samsung E2510 is relatively easy to flip open with one hand, though its long design means it’s a little top-heavy. A five-way navigational pad and two selection buttons handle general navigation, and there are also dedicated keys for the FM radio and camera functions. The keys are a little flat and require a firm press to activate. The same applies to the keypad, though here the keys are slightly raised and are well spaced, so typing fast messages isn't an issue.

The Samsung E2510 is generously equipped with features for a phone that’s just $59. The music player supports a range of file formats and the music can be played in the background while you access other applications. The phone even includes the A2DP Bluetooth profile, allowing you to wirelessly stream your music to a compatible set of headphones or speakers. This is a fantastic inclusion on a phone commanding such a low price.

Like most of Samsung's mobile phones, the E2510 utilises a proprietary charging/headphone jack instead of a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. This means you can't charge the phone and listen to music simultaneously, though stereo Bluetooth is a nice compromise.

The Samsung E2510's display isn't the sharpest we've seen, but it does possess good viewing angles and isn't affected too much by sunlight glare. The phone also has an FM radio and a basic VGA camera that doubles as a video recorder.

Rounding out the Samsung E2510 package are a number of handy applications — a basic image editor, voice recorder, timer, stopwatch, alarms, calendar, memo, world clock, calculator, converter and a range of Java games.

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