NComputing Launches $100 USB Virtual Desktop

NComputing Launches $100 USB Virtual Desktop

Takes advantage of the full power of a desktop PC

NComputing has reportedly launched the industry's first USB-connected virtual desktop (model U170) at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

According to the company, the USB virtual desktop is based on the fact that today's PCs are so powerful that the vast majority of people only use a small fraction of their PC processor's capacity. The U170 thin client taps this unused resource so that a computer can be simultaneously shared by many users.

The U170 plugs into a standard PC's USB port, and with vSpace (NComputing's virtualization software, which is included) enables another user to share that PC. The U170 has connections for the additional user's own peripherals, including keyboard, monitor, and mouse. Up to nine U170's can be connected to a single PC and still provide a high-definition multimedia experience for every user.

"NComputing is completely revolutionizing the economics of desktop computing," said Stephen Dukker, Chairman and CEO, NComputing. "We've already proven that there's a huge market for desktop virtualization in larger organizations that have an IT department. And now with the U170, everyone can take advantage of the full power of their PCs."

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