QLD transport authority looks for CIO

QLD transport authority looks for CIO

Queensland Department of Main Roads and Transport instates new chief information officer position, but says it won't delay trials of planned biometric licenses

The Queensland Department of Main Roads and Transport is looking to instate a permanent chief information officer as part of a change in the department's ICT process management.

The department's general manager of Enterprise Information & Systems, Dennis McLaughlin, has acted in a temporary CIO position since January.

The new position is believed to have been instated by former Queensland Transport CIO, Cathi Taylor, who has since become general manager of the department's Corporate Governance Division. The state's Main Roads and Transport departments were merged in March last year, and have since undergone several changes in ICT and governance structure.

The department's most recent organisational structure shows acting CIO McLaughlin reported to the deputy director-general corporate, Jack Noyce, indicating a CIO would fall under the same governance.

An advertisement for the CIO position calls for someone who has a track record in senior ICT roles with relevant qualifications, and extensive understanding of information and knowledge management systems.

A spokesperson for the department told Computerworld Australia that the new CIO position would not jeopardise trials of the state's planned biometric drivers' licences, which are due to begin trials next month.

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Tags chief information officer (CIO)Queensland Department of Main Roads and Transport

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