Australia's major telcos unfazed by Internode's business market push

Australia's major telcos unfazed by Internode's business market push

Brisbane enterprise march won't affect Telstra, Optus and AAPT

Australia’s major business telcos remain unperturbed despite news that rival ISP, Internode, will be making a major play for their enterprise customers.

The reaction follows Internode's declaration that it would target the business market in Queensland with an “on-the-ground” office presence initially consisting of four new staff.

A spokesperson for Optus told Computerworld Australia that the company would continue to have a strong presence in Queensland across corporate, government, small business and consumer customers.

According to the spokesperson, Optus had invested in the Queensland market, providing "more competition and choice", with recent expansions to fixed and mobile networks across Brisbane, the Gold Coast and regional areas.

A Telstra spokesperson argued Internode’s new Brisbane office would not have any effect on its business.

“Enterprise, government and Telstra business are major division of Telstra, we’re the biggest telecommunications provider in business and at all levels, from small and medium business right through to major commercial enterprises,” the spokesperson said.

“They’re opening an office of four people in Brisbane… it’s good that they’re getting out there and getting competitive but it’s unlikely to have an impact on us at all.”

Computerworld Australia also spoke with a spokesperson from AAPT who said the ISP had performed well in the last financial year against the competition, signing or re-signing approximately $50 million of major business accounts in the last 12 months.

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