Software start-up offers easy migration to cloud

Software start-up offers easy migration to cloud

New tool aimed at Notes users

A software start-up has developed a set of tools to help enterprises move their legacy applications to cloud platforms.

CIMTrek, founded by industry veteran Jon Pyke, is concentrating initially on Lotus Notes, as Pyke sees that as the leading enterprise application worldwide. "I started with Lotus Notes as I was looking at that for a specific project but given that there are 160 million users of Notes, I started looking at what products were available to migrate to the cloud."

He added that while CIMTrek has started with Notes, it would work with other enterprise applications. "There are 600,000 Notes users in the UK alone, so there's a big enough market there," he added. Although the software will work with Notes, he said that it wouldn't migrate the mail client. "We're looking at enterprises that use Notes for more than just mail."

Pyke explained some of the thinking behind the product. "The tool gives a breakdown of very Notes application in the system: for example, when it was last used. It then applies an algorithm, which tells the user what he has to do. The software puts everything in a repository in a common format so that the user can decide what to do and when to migrate."

He said that the software developed by CIMTrek worked by discovering what applications were being used by an organisation and which of them could be migrated to the cloud. He said that the software could then migrate all suitable apps with a single click.

Pyke said that the software, which is subscription based, was aimed at being affordable. "It will be about the cost of a mobile phone per user. Certainly cheaper than the cost of Notes installation."

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