Domino's CIO resigns

Domino's CIO resigns

Barry Wiech moves to Parmalat

Domino’s CIO, Barry Wiech, resigned from the role after a five-year tenure with the fast-food giant.

In an email to colleagues and friends, Wiech said he has accepted a role at milk and dairy products provider, Parmalat Australia.

“I would like to advise that I have accepted a role at Parmalat Australia as their new CIO and will be leaving Domino’s as CIO in approximately three months time after my notice period,” he said. “I have enjoyed my time at Domino’s over the last five years but am very much looking forward to this exciting opportunity at Parmalat.”

Wiech said his last day at Domino’s would be at the beginning of February next year, and that he had “a lot of work to do between now and then”.

“Domino’s is in such great shape and I am happy to be leaving at a very high point in the company with so many positives happening at the moment,” he said. “I look forward to catching up with many of you prior or even after I leave Domino’s.

Wiech is on vacation in Europe for the next two weeks. He was responsible for delivering several IT projects while at Dominos, and carried out a $150,000 upgrade of Domino's online ordering system in 2007.

Wiech recently spoke about his experience at Domino’s, highlighting the need to build strong teams, communicate goals and the importance of being commercial as key things he had learned during his time at the fast-food chain.

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Tags dominos pizzaBarry Wiech

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