Java 7 support slated for JetBrains IDE

Java 7 support slated for JetBrains IDE

The IntelliJ 1dea 10.5 IDE, due this spring, will also feature enhancements for usability and performance

JetBrains this spring will offer full support for Java 7 in an upgrade to the company's IntelliJ Idea IDE, according to the JetBrains IntelliJ Idea blog. IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 will support language features of Java 7 across the IDE with capabilities such as code completion, code inspections, and quickfixes.  

Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 or Java 7, was submitted along with Java SE 8 to the Java Community Process in November, with both later given initial approvals. The final Java 7 specification is due this year.  Java 7 has been set to add improvements  for multi-core processors,  dynamic scripting languages and I/O-intensive operations. (There also has been some early deliberations on an  enterprise version of Java 7 to complement the standard edition.)

[ Since acquiring Sun Microsystems, Oracle has upset some people but also continued developing technologies such as Java. |  InfoWorld's Neil McAllister charts the conflicts in the coming war over the future of Java. | Keep up to date on the latest in Java with the JavaWorld Enterprise Java newsletter. ] 

"Besides [Java 7 capabilities], we're working on a number of new features and incremental improvements in all areas of the product," offering capabilities such as bundled integration with the Jetty HTTP server and support for XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) 2 , the blog says.

In other improvements, the Google Chrome browser will be supported in the JavaScript debugger, and new refactorings will be offered for the Groovy programming language.  The IDE will also feature a Spring Roo rapid application development tool console.

An early access program for IntelliJ Idea 10.5 will start in a few weeks.  Also featured in the IDE are bug fixes and enhancements for usability and performance. "In particular, in this release we've focused on improving startup performance, so you can expect the new version of IntelliJ Idea to open and load your projects faster," according to the blog.

Version 10.5 will be offered as a free upgrade to users of IntelliJ Idea 10, which was released in December.

 This article, "Java 7 support slated for JetBrains IDE," was originally published at Follow the latest developments in business technology news and get a digest of the key stories each day in the InfoWorld Daily newsletter. For the latest business technology news, follow on Twitter.

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