Intel buys Cairo-based company to boost LTE offerings

Intel buys Cairo-based company to boost LTE offerings

Intel Mobile Communications looks to improve its position, as LTE ramps up

Intel Mobile Communications said Monday that it has acquired most of the assets of SySDSoft, a Cairo-based company, to help accelerate its LTE (Long Term Evolution) efforts.

The acquisition's financial terms were not announced, but included in the deal are approximately 100 of SySDSoft's engineers and computer scientists, according to the chip maker. The acquisition is the first of its kind for Intel in the Middle East, it said.

SySDSoft was founded in 2002 and develops embedded software for communication technologies such as LTE. The company also designs RF and analog circuits embedded in mobile products.

In October, the company announced a protocol stack for LTE-based devices that can handle download speeds at up to 300M bps (bits per second) and upload speeds at 75M bps. At Mobile World Congress in February, the company also demonstrated embedded software for LTE-based femtocells.

Intel's acquisition of SySDSoft comes at a time when the roll out of LTE is slowly starting to pick up the pace, which means there will also be an increased need for products that allow users to access the new networks.

Intel Mobile Communications develops semiconductors for smartphones, tablets and USB modems. It used to be a division of Infineon Technologies, which was acquired by Intel in a deal that was completed earlier this year.

SySDSoft's product portfolio covers technologies including WiMAX, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wireless USB, according to the company's website.

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