Hoyts launches app for modern movie-goers

Hoyts launches app for modern movie-goers

Social Tix the latest cinema offering to leverage social media

Hoyts has launched a cinema ticket booking app on Facebook that allows users to create events, reserve seats and browse session times through the social networking site.

Social Tix was launched by Hoyts last week, making it the latest cinema to leverage social networking to interest a new generation of movie-goers.

The application allows members of Facebook to create an event, invite friends, reserve seating and have each member pay for individual or multiple tickets.

Claiming the app to be the first of its kind in Australia, marketing director at Hoyts, Anthony Thiessen, said he hoped the app would take cinemas through to the next stage of development.

“Going to the movies has always been a fun and sociable experience and we believe the Social Tix application will take this to a whole other level,” he said.

“At the click of a button you can buy tickets, invite friends and share it all online; providing a unique, interactive and convenient experience like never before.”

The launch of Social Tix comes as Hoyts earlier this year announced it would continue its project to convert its cinemas to digital projection, signing Australian software services company, Remasys, to to monitor its digital cinema systems.

Village Cinemas recently rolled out Australia's first mobile movie ticketing system, with the company's chief executive, Kirk Edwards, saying that social media is now the primary way for Village to communicate with its audience, as four Australian retail organisations predicted that Facebook Check In Deals would drive online presence and improve customer interactions.

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Tags social mediafacebook applicationsHoytsvillage cinemas

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