Internode turns on 200th DSLAM

Internode turns on 200th DSLAM

Nuriootpa in South Australia is the latest recipient of the DSLAM as Internode rolls out ADSL2 broadband offerings

Internode managing director, Simon Hackett.

Internode managing director, Simon Hackett.

Internet service provider, Internode, has celebrated the installation of the 200th digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) in Nuriootpa, South Australia.

The company installed its own equipment at the Nuriootpa telephone exchange, allowing it to deliver cheaper ADSL2+ services with speeds of up to 24 megabits per second to residents in the town.

The installation is part of the Federal Government-funded Regional Backbone Blackspots Program which is designed to create fibre-optic links between remote, regional and metropolitan areas .

Backhaul company, NextGen Networks, has created a three-state fibre-based connection that links Adelaide with Nuriootpa in South Australia, Broken Hill in New South Wales and Mildura in Victoria. The fibre-optic run creates a circuit with an existing fibre-optic connection between Mildura and Melbourne.

Internode managing director, Simon Hackett, said in a statement that it had “irked” the company that a town located near Adelaide was inaccessible due to high backhaul charges.

“The good news is that we expect to light up DSLAMs we’ve installed in Broken Hill and Mildura in the next two weeks, delivering the benefits of competition to people in those towns as well,” he said.

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Tags internodeDSLAMsRegional Backbone Blackspots Program

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