Nine months later, the hunt for new Facebook A/NZ boss continues

Nine months later, the hunt for new Facebook A/NZ boss continues

Social network yet to find a replacement for the leading role in A/NZ

Nine months after Paul Borrud left the helm of Facebook’s A/NZ operation, the social network is still looking for a replacement.

Following the departure of Borrud in January, there have been no updates regarding a replacement throughout the year.

With Facebook recently celebrating its milestone of reaching 1 billion active users, ARN reached out to the A/NZ arm of the social network to see if maybe a replacement had been found but not widely publicised.

Instead, Facebook A/NZ confirmed that the seat left by Borrud remains unoccupied.

“We are focused on finding the best candidate for the role and are actively recruiting to find that person,” a spokesperson told ARN.

However, beyond the confirmation of the above, no further information about the search for the replacement was forthcoming.

“We look forward to confirming who the successful candidate is when they are on board, but have nothing further to share at this time,” the spokesperson said.

As to what the former boss Borrud has been up to since leaving Facebook, nothing publicly has been announced on that front.

His public Facebook profile does not display his current employment or location, though his publicly available photos suggest that he is still based in Australia.

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