Tech job market on the upswing

Tech job market on the upswing

To see the state of the job market for tech workers, just look at the headlines over the past few months:

"100,000 new jobs for tech industry through midyear" or "IT sector rebounds, gains 12,500 jobs in October."

Three of the four high-tech job sectors analyzed by TechAmerica Foundation saw positive job growth in the first half of 2012, amounting to nearly 100,000 new jobs for the tech industry. The organization called the gains "modest," however, and warned against taking the industry's relative job strength for granted. The four sectors TechAmerica highlighted in its report are: software services, which added 50,800 jobs between January and June 2012; engineering and tech services, which added 49,900 jobs; technology manufacturing, which gained 9,200 jobs; and communications services, which lost 10,700 jobs.

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