Telstra to focus on cost cuts, user retention

Telstra to focus on cost cuts, user retention

Telstra (ASX:TLS) plans to focus on reducing costs to counteract the expected EBITDA decline for FY11.

In a joint letter to shareholders, CEO David Thodey and chairman Catherine Livingston said the company will focus on its four key objectives in the quarter.

These are simplifying its business to reduce costs, continuing to improve customer satisfaction, step up competition to acquire and retain customers, and investing in long-term growth.

Telstra is forecasting an EBITDA decline in the high single-digits for FY11, from “flattish” revenues, they said.

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Tags TelstraTelecommunicationsDavid ThodeyASX:TLSGuidanceCatherine Livingston

More about LivingstonTelstra Corporation

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