Panorama Synergy launches online sales training

Panorama Synergy launches online sales training

Panorama Synergy (ASX:PSY) has launched a beta version of the first product in its integrated online sales platform.

The beta of Panorama Synergy's Lead Generation Machine training course went live on Monday.

It aims to teach SMBs how to increase traffic to their websites, including through SEO and social media, and then effectively convert website traffic into sales leads.

The company, which is developing photonics technology but recently expanded its business model to cover online sales, plans for its integrated platform to comprise a suite of downloadable products.

Panorama Synergy Terry Walsh said it had become essential that SMBs have an effective presence online. “It is estimated that 90% of sales of all products and services these days begin with an online search,” he said.

He said SMBs worldwide have an estimated 155 million websites and growing, but have had limited access to easy to implement advice on how to compete online.

Walsh added that the company expected early cash generation from what it believes is a scalable, recurring revenue model for the platform.

PSY shares were flat on Monday at $0.078.

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Tags product launchonline salesPanorama SynergyTerry WalshASX:PSY

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