Techniche unit opens Chicago office

Techniche unit opens Chicago office

Techniche (ASX:TCN) subsidiary Urgent Technology has opened an office in Chicago in response to a run of new orders from the US market.

Urgent Technology, a global IT services provider based in the UK, India and the USA, said the new office would house its local technical support staff.

The office was opened as a direct result of Urgent securing new business with companies including BP USA and American Petroleum Industry (API), the company said in a statement.

The BP deal is to provide an eMaintanence application to assist point of sale and back office systems call centres.

Urgent has also been contracted to roll out an eMaintanance system for API.

The new office will further support Techniche's goal of creating a distribution presence in the US market for the products of both Urgent and fellow subsidiary ERST Technology – an encrypted data transfer solution provider.

TCN shares stayed unchanged during Wednesday's trading to close at $0.035.

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Tags it servicesexpansionNorth AmericaUrgent TechnologyTechnicheASX:TCN

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