Eftel hires ClubTelco co-founder as new CEO

Eftel hires ClubTelco co-founder as new CEO

ISP Eftel (ASX:EFT) has hired former Dodo executive Scott Stavretis as its new CEO.

Stavretis has 15 years' experience in the internet and telecom industries, including working with Dodo from its inception in 2001.

He was partly responsible for creating the spin-off business ClubTelco, which Eftel this month arranged to acquire.

Eftel did not disclose the price of the ClubTelco purchase but said it was its biggest acquisition yet and will double the size of its business.

Eftel executive chairman Simon Ehrenfeld said Stavretis will “be of great assistance in driving the merger of Eftel and ClubTelco.”

Stavretis will replace John Lane, who is leaving after a decade in the driver's seat.

Lane's seat on the board will be filled by corporate advisory and restructuring specialist Oren Zohar. Zohar joins Eftel holding no shares in the company, according to an ASX filing.

EFT shares grew 3.85% on Thursday to $0.027.

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Tags efteldodoClubTelcoScott StavretisASX:EFTSimon EhrenfeldOren Zohar

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