Anittel guides Tasmania into the cloud

Anittel guides Tasmania into the cloud

Several state government agencies to explore IaaS in October

The Tasmanian government has awarded Anittel a two-year contract to provide an infrastructure-as-service (IaaS) offering, which enables agencies to purchase varying quantities of storage and compute infrastructure from the telco service provider.

The contract value will depend on the take up of the service by individual government agencies, and includes two optional one-year extensions.

Anittel said the platform will be available from early October, and “several” agencies have said they will use the service for a portion of their computing requirements from day one.

“Anittel expect that upon successful delivery of this new computing model, demand for the offering will grow substantially over the contract term,” it said.

The state government had revealed plans to move to an IaaS model in a request for tender published in December. At the time, the government said it would likely choose two providers and contracts would be awarded by March.

Tasmania’s ICT strategy, established in late 2011, set a goal that by 2017, “all common commodity ICT services will be consolidated and provided as a service to agencies.”

Anittel also provides telephony and communications to the Tasmanian government under a $45 million contract signed last year.

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Tags tasmaniatendercontractInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

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