Instagram's Hyperlapse app gives videos a time-lapse effect

Instagram's Hyperlapse app gives videos a time-lapse effect

Users can shoot longer videos and then play them back up to 12 times faster

Instagram's standalone Hyperlapse app lets people shoot longer videos and then speed them up.

Instagram's standalone Hyperlapse app lets people shoot longer videos and then speed them up.

Instagram on Tuesday released Hyperlapse, a stand-alone app that will let people record longer videos and then speed them up for a time-lapse effect.

The free app is currently available only in Apple's App Store for iOS 7 and up. The required APIs (application programming interfaces) are not currently available to launch the app on Android, an Instagram spokeswoman said. Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012.

Hyperlapse is designed to let people record video of longer events or experiences, such as a sunset, and then play them back in seconds. Users can play back videos up to 12 times faster.

The amount of video that can be recorded with the app depends on the device. Most devices will let users shoot up to 45 minutes of video, an Instagram spokeswoman said, assuming space is available. The iPhone 4, however, allows only 10 minutes of video recording, she said.

People don't need to create a new account to use the app. The app can link with accounts on Instagram or Facebook to share video, but that is not required. A user can simply save the video to their device's camera roll.

The app does not include filters or other editing tools.

Stabilization technology that gives a smoother look to videos shot with handheld devices is one distinguishing feature of the app, Instagram said.

other apps available for time-lapse videos not made by Instagram include Lapse It and iMotion HD.

Zach Miners covers social networking, search and general technology news for IDG News Service. Follow Zach on Twitter at @zachminers. Zach's e-mail address is

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