IBM Bluemix powers hybrid cloud apps for IoT, analytics

IBM Bluemix powers hybrid cloud apps for IoT, analytics

Sogeti and IBM Bluemix wil help developers and clients in 15 countries build Internet of Things and analytics applications.

Capgemini subsidiary Sogeti and IBM forged an alliance today under which Sogeti will bring IBM's Cloud Foundry-based Bluemix platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering to its developers and clients in 15 countries.

Sogeti is also turning to Bluemix to help it power hybrid cloud applications for commerce, the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics for clients in industries ranging from retail and healthcare to transportation, energy and utilities.

The new partnership has grown out of an existing relationship between Sogeti and IBM in which Sogeti built its smartEngine gateway for managing buildings using IBM Bluemix.

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The smartEngine gateway provides a means for using Bluemix to connect sensors that use different protocols and data formats, allowing Sogeti to provide clients with insights on the performance of their heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting and other energy-producing processes. These insights are used by clients to minimize energy costs, optimize environmental impact and increase security.

Sogeti plans to use Bluemix to extend the smartEngine gateway's IoT capabilities to provide insight for clients in other verticals, including manufacturing, agriculture and utilities management.

"As cloud continues to transform how we collaborate and work with technology, many of our clients are looking to build more and more of their apps and systems with the cloud," Andreas Sjöström, vice president and global head of Digital at Sogeti, said in a statement Thursday. "With Bluemix Dedicated, we are able to address these concerns by offering dedicated servers and cloud data centers which easily conform to these requisites, while still offering the highly valuable benefits of a cloud infrastructure, such as accelerated business speed, collaboration and visibility."

[Related: IBM commits to Apache Spark compute engine ]

Mohamed Abdula, vice president, Strategy & Offering Management for Cloud Foundation Services, IBM, says three things are attracting customers like Sogeti to the Bluemix PaaS:

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Tags cloud computinginternetCapgeminiInternet of ThingsCloud Foundry

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