NSW to appoint government CIO

NSW to appoint government CIO

State government preparing to announce ‘government chief information and digital officer’

New South Wales is resurrecting the position of government chief information officer but with a digital twist. The state’s minister for finance, services and property, Dominic Perrottet, outlined details of the decision this morning at a Cebit eGovernment conference in Sydney.

“Over the past five years we have the seen in industry the role of the CIO change significantly; from someone who used to just keep the lights on this role has now evolved champions of digital initiatives in many organisations,” the minister said.

“Now this is no different in government. That’s why I’m pleased to announce today the NSW government is resurrecting the role of the CIO but with a slight twist.”

Instead of appointing a GCIO, the government has created the position of government chief information and digital officer, or GCIDO, Perrottet told the conference.

“This dual title reflects a dual mandate,” the minister said: The stewardship of government ICT projects as well as working with the state’s customer service commissioner, Michael Pratt, to “drive a customer service mentality across government agencies.”

“We hope to have an announcement up on the successful candidate shortly,” Perrottet said.

Government service dashboard

The NSW government is also preparing to publicly unveil a whole-of-government service dashboard.

The dashboard “allows the premier, ministers, agency heads to have a single, current, ‘right now’ view of how well agencies across government are performing,” Perrottet said.

Read more: KPMG poaches UXC exec for CIO role

“It features traffic-light reporting so it will be obvious when a sector agency is performing well or where certain areas need to be corrected.”

The dashboard, which is still in its testing phase, will help support better decision making and drive cultural change focussed on customer service and innovation, he added.

The government is working towards a public release by Q4 this year.

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Tags chief information officerchief information officer (CIO)New South Wales

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