Need e-commerce for your SMB? SAP has a cloud tool for you

Need e-commerce for your SMB? SAP has a cloud tool for you

Google and PayPal are partners in the effort, which will soon include UPS as well

Enabling e-commerce capabilities isn't a trivial matter for companies small or large, but SAP has a new cloud tool it thinks will help SMBs in particular. Called SAP Anywhere, it's designed specifically for companies with 10 to 200 employees.

SAP Anywhere aims to help small and midsize businesses build a website or online store, create marketing campaigns, sell products and take payments, manage inventory, and analyze business performance, all from a mobile phone or tablet.

"More than 28 million small firms in the United States need to market goods online and satisfy customers' desire for a digital buying experience," said EJ Jackson, senior vice president and general manager for SAP Anywhere. "At the end of the day, company size is irrelevant to the consumer."

SAP Anywhere integrates real-time information from a company's back-office software, helping users make decisions based on data from both internal and external sources. It also includes a unified order management system that makes use of actual inventory data.

Partnerships with Google and PayPal are designed to offer small businesses a single package that integrates directly with partners’ platforms; a deal with UPS is coming soon, SAP says.

Compliant with the payment card industry’s standard for secure transactions and SSL protection, SAP Anywhere is now generally available in the U.S.

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