4 ways technology has changed hiring — for job seekers and recruiters

4 ways technology has changed hiring — for job seekers and recruiters

Job seekers and recruiters are faced with a new hiring landscape, thanks to several technical advances that help employers and candidates find better fits.

Technology has changed the entire recruitment and job search process — for better or worse. For recruiters and hiring managers, it’s easier than ever to find candidates to suit niche skills or even sway candidates who might not be actively job searching. Job seekers can even reach out directly to employers, create online profiles to attract recruiters and apply for jobs with the click of a button.

“Hand-picked candidates make for better hires and now we’ve got a lot of tools to make that process less resource-intensive. Plus, many potential candidates make seeking them out easier by doing the heavy lifting. They set up LinkedIn and other social media accounts and actively reach out to employers,” says Pete Sosnowski, co-founder and VP of Uptowork.


Ten years ago, it would have been unheard of to find employee reviews and salary data for a company. Today, according to a report on technology trends in hiring from iCMS, 92 percent of working Americans turn to employer reviews when considering a new job. Plus, one in three Americans — and 47 percent of millennials — have declined a job offer due to poor reviews.

“Employer-review tools like Glassdoor and Kununu really allow the candidates to go behind the walls and see what the culture and environments are like at companies, to an extent. In the age of technology, it is much easier to do reference checks and find out who is in your ecosystem. From both sides — employer and candidate,” says Carrie Walecka, director of talent acquisition at Brightcove.

With a little online research, job seekers can now feel empowered in salary negotiations, prepare for job-specific interviews and even determine whether a company is a good fit before the first interview.


As the go-to professional social network, LinkedIn has played a major role in how we search for jobs and how recruiters find candidates. With a strong profile, you can attract hiring managers and recruiters — bringing jobs straight to your inbox. And with the networking aspect, you can keep a close eye on potential job openings from past colleagues and other connections.

“Using tools like LinkedIn allows job seekers to see who they know at each company — so they know if they have someone who can help get their resume seen by the right people — and to vet what the culture and environments are really like,” says Walecka.

For recruiters, LinkedIn offers up vast pools of talent — whether the potential candidates are job searching or not. You can search through resumes to find potential candidates to fill a need for a niche skill in the business or to vet candidates.

Global reach

It’s not uncommon in a large organization to work with colleagues in different cities, states, or even other countries. Technology has made it easier for us to work remotely and it’s also opened the talent pool for recruiters. It’s no longer necessary to stick to local talent — in many cases, recruiters can find talent globally.

“Technology made it possible to seek out the best talent, not just locally but worldwide. Chances are, you don't even have to worry about relocating the prospective employee because you've got Skype, Slack, Trello, Basecam and old-school email,” says Sosnowski.

That’s also great news for job seekers — especially if your skillset isn’t in demand where you live. With an internet connection, you can search for jobs in another location where your experience and background are more valuable.  


Ten years ago, it would have been impossible to search for a job using a mobile device. But today, it’s the norm. There are countless job board apps and job search apps designed to quickly connect recruiters and hiring managers with candidates.

“It is simpler for everyone now that almost every jobsite and applicant tracking system are mobile-ready. As a candidate you can apply from anywhere at any time. As a recruiter or hiring manager you can review resumes or give feedback at any time,” says Walecka.

And while mobile makes the process quicker, the real trick is to “stand out amongst all the technological noise, because at the end of the day you might find the job online, but you are working there in real life.”

Technology will never be a full replacement for a strong recruitment team and a shrewd hiring manager. It might help get candidates in the door, but that’s only one step in the process.

“The one thing technology can’t help employers with is proving to the candidates that the company is a perfect match for them. And this is where a good hiring manager can really shine,” says Sosnoswki.

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