Stories by Network World staff

Apple roars past 2 billion app download mark

Apple Monday said it has passed 2 billion applications downloaded from its App Store, a number that promises to balloon further as the iPhone likely makes its way onto networks beyond AT&T's in the United States.

Written by Network World staff29 Sept. 09 01:59

Most notable IT layoffs of 2008

A look at this year's job cutbacks at Cisco, HP, Dell, Sun and other top technology companies

Written by Network World staff08 Dec. 08 10:14

MIT researchers invent clutter detector

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have come up with a way to measure visual clutter, a breakthrough that could help everyone from fighter pilots to Web site designers.

Written by Network World staff28 Aug. 07 11:58

Google, Yahoo may not show your good stuff

Researchers are trying to figure out how to make more of the good stuff float to the top of Internet search engines and keep more of the bad stuff buried.

Written by Network World staff27 March 07 13:58