Stories by Peter Wayner

HTML5 in the browser: Canvas, video, audio, and graphics

The five characters HTML5 are now an established buzzword, found everywhere on the Web and often given top billing in slides, feature lists, and other places where terms du jour congregate. Nonprogrammers who must either manage or work with programmers are even beginning to pick up the term. Just two days ago, someone who can't manage a TV remote explained that he was sure his company's Web presence would be much better because they were using HTML5.

Written by Peter Wayner09 Dec. 10 01:27

12 programming mistakes to avoid

A car magazine once declared that a car has "character" if it takes 15 minutes to explain its idiosyncrasies before it can be loaned to a friend. By that standard, every piece of software has character -- all too often, right of the box.

Written by Peter Wayner06 Dec. 10 22:15

7 programming languages on the rise

In the world of enterprise programming, the mainstream is broad and deep. Code is written predominantly in one of a few major languages. For some shops, this means Java; for others, it's C# or PHP. Sometimes, enterprise coders will dabble in C++ or another common language used for high-performance tasks such as game programming, all of which turn around and speak SQL to the database.

Written by Peter Wayner26 Oct. 10 00:51

First look: Internet Explorer 9 beta makes waves

One of the best ways to see what's changed with the ninth and newest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer is to tune into and watch the words, images, and DIVs bounce around, luring the world into pretty images and information that can't sit still. "Tune in" is the appropriate verb because the experience is closer to consuming television than what the Web was once supposed to be, an endless library filled with serious knowledge that might come from an underground physics bunker in the mountains.

Written by Peter Wayner17 Sept. 10 02:56

Where Android beats the iPhone

Can Google Android phones compete with the Apple iPhone? A few weeks ago, Google loaned me a Nexus One smartphone for experimentation, and I've spent the time since downloading applications and writing my own code. The good news is that the platform is not only competitive but is often a better choice than the iPhone for many programmers and the enterprises that employ them.

Written by Peter Wayner04 March 10 03:33

Android apps for business users

The BlackBerry may be the most popular phone in businesses today, but the openness of the Google Android platform is attractive too. Most of the big-name apps from the iPhone world are now available for the Android.

Written by Peter Wayner02 Feb. 10 22:08

Android apps for developers and IT pros, at a glance

These eight apps allow you to open a shell, run a shell script, tap the Linux command line, or otherwise put your Android-based smartphone to productive use. Most are available in free editions, and none will set you back more than a few dollars.

Written by Peter Wayner01 Feb. 10 07:52

The best free open source software for Mac OS X

Most Mac lovers love the Mac for the carefully wrought user interfaces and the crisp design, and never pay attention to the open source at the heart of the operating system. But underneath this beautiful facade is a heart built upon the rich - if often chaotic - world of open source software.

Written by Peter Wayner14 Oct. 09 21:04

Palm Mojo SDK 1.1

When the Palm Pre appeared two months ago, the world took one look at the graceful curves and immediately decided there was finally a contender that might stand a chance of attracting some of the crowds clustered around the iPhone.

Written by Peter Wayner17 Aug. 09 16:50