Stories by Rebecca Lynch

US Tax Dollars At Work

Learn how US federal supply chain automation could save taxpayers money.
Find out why the US government is falling behind the private sector in e-commerce.
Discover what US federal CIOs want to do to catch up.

Written by Rebecca Lynch05 March 01 10:28

Paperless Tigers

When Wells Fargo Education Financial Services banished paper, loan sales jumped. And now customers are turning to Wells Fargo for other banking needs.

Written by Rebecca Lynch22 Feb. 01 12:23

What's All The Fuss About

Internet marketers are getting hammered for trying to build consumer profiles. Insiders say they couldn't build a decent profile even if they wanted to. So what's all the fuss about?

Written by Rebecca Lynch17 Nov. 00 10:51

Hands On, Hands Off

To successfully manage outsourcing relationships, you have to focus on the big picture while taking care of the details. Can one person do it all?

Written by Rebecca Lynch16 Oct. 00 12:08