Stories by Miriam Waterhouse

Protecting data in the age of dumpster diving

Dumpster diving, the practice of sourcing food and other discarded items from supermarket waste bins is a sign of the times. Some, sadly, do it out of necessity, while others do it from an idealist stance.

Written by Miriam Waterhouse06 June 14 16:58

Opinion: Recovering from a crisis

I’m not the best air traveller in the world. I get anxious, nauseous, and on some occasions a little too queasy for the comfort of my fellow passengers.

Written by Miriam Waterhouse25 July 13 10:41

Opinion: Lessons learned from a Hollywood zombie flick

After sitting through two hours of Brad Pitt and the hordes of zombies in the latest Hollywood blockbuster World War Z, I got to thinking there’s a similar plot line being played out in many businesses today.

Written by Miriam Waterhouse25 June 13 14:10