Stories by Mark Gibbs

Epsilon helps mug you at home

It is one thing to be out on the street and randomly mugged, but quite another to have someone follow you home, trick you into letting them into your house, and then being robbed in your own living room.

Written by Mark Gibbs09 April 11 00:49

Lots of "people" you interact with online are sockpuppets

"I hear his name bandied about a lot, but I don't know him. I don't know who Henson is. He seems to have his hand in a lot of things around here, but I don't particularly know what that means."

Written by Mark Gibbs25 March 11 07:42

Three interesting Twitter tools

OK, so let's say you're interested in social trends. A great place to look at what's hot is Twitter and, yep, there's a service that will graph the popularity of any keyword on Twitter: It's called Trendistic.

Written by Mark Gibbs10 March 11 06:25

Apple no longer thinks different

Remember when Apple thought different? They wanted us to see them as being like us, their customers. They wanted us to believe we had similar values, goals and aspirations. They wanted to convince us that, with their help, computers would be different, life would be different, and we would be different. We would be happier, more productive, more fulfilled.

Written by Mark Gibbs26 Feb. 11 07:34

iPad meets IT - Three tools you need

Many of my friends hate Apple. They hate Apple's arrogance and the way the company manipulates the market. A great example of what they despise: Apple recently kicked out all book reading apps other than its own nice-to-look-at-but-not-well-featured-and-doesn't-handle-enough-formats book reader, otherwise called iBook.

Written by Mark Gibbs25 Feb. 11 06:47

Tomato for Linksys, making Wi-Fi better

Gad! I complained a few weeks ago about frequent DNS lookup errors on my AT&T DSL connection. I tried using Google's DNS servers instead of AT&T's and, for a while, it looked like the problem was fixed. Alas, this was not the case …

Written by Mark Gibbs14 Oct. 10 07:40

Android and Apps

The more I use the HTC Incredible, the more I like it. And the thing that really makes the Incredible, er, incredible is its operating system, Android<.

Written by Mark Gibbs26 July 10 15:23

Google Chrome: Redefining end user computing

One of the most profound changes in how computing services are being delivered is the use of the Web as a frontend for just about everything. We have seen this transformation in the thousands of software as a service (SaaS) offerings that have appeared in the last few years that now cover the entire spectrum of applications from corporate accounting through to video editing (something that just a few years ago was hard to imagine becoming a reality).

Written by Mark Gibbs24 Nov. 09 23:40

COBOL and governmental efficiencies

Welcome to a New Year. For the US, 2008 saw our 401ks become 201ks, our worries about the price of gas come and go, our house values plummet, our economy implode and our IT budgets shrink. It was not a good year.

Written by Mark Gibbs12 Jan. 09 08:10

To Be Proactive or Not to Bee?

Being "green" has become very fashionable. Along with that there's a lot more talk about behaving in ways that support our environment rather than our business-as-usual habits. But the problem with being green in practice is how much of our business as usual will we sacrifice to save ourselves?

Written by Mark Gibbs14 May 07 11:27

The Rules of IT

Rules matter because they define how we get on with other people and what is considered normal

Written by Mark Gibbs04 Sept. 06 10:35