Stories by Jed Simms

Project Governance Part 4: Project Governance as the Approving body

Ultimately accountability for the returns on investment lie with the Project Sponsor and governance team. So they should be actively reviewing and approving several aspects of the project. This should not be a 'tick and flick' type of approval, but a due, considered review with consideration as to the pros and cons and downstream implications.

Written by Jed Simms08 Dec. 09 08:43

Project Governance Part 2: Project Governance as Leadership

In the case of an 'egg and bacon breakfast' the chicken has contributed, but the pig has been committed. In this context (only) you want your project sponsor to be a 'pig' - i.e. totally committed to your project. If they are only 'interested' or involved because of their position they are unlikely to demonstrate the necessary level of leadership.

Written by Jed Simms24 Nov. 09 10:16

Project Governance Part 1: Non-understood Project Governance

If you are having difficulty with your Governance teams, it is not surprising. Project Governance is not so much "misunderstood" as "not understood". People just don’t know what it is and, therefore, what senior management needs to know or do to be effective.

Written by Jed Simms17 Nov. 09 09:58

THE BUSINESS CASE 5 – Is The Value Achievable?

Having a value proposition is only of value if it is deliverable. In this section you need to show that the approach you’re proposing (including any technical solutions you are adopting) are feasible and the best approach, and that the associated risks are manageable.

Written by Jed Simms08 Sept. 09 12:07

THE BUSINESS CASE# 4 – The Resources Needed

Hey, now we get to the costs. But the costs are now ‘the costs of delivering the value’ (rather than the benefits being the off set of the costs — a very different perspective).

Written by Jed Simms01 Sept. 09 11:05

THE BUSINESS CASE #3 – What is the value proposition?

Central to the business case is the value proposition — what value shall the organisation get from investing in this project? This may sound obvious but the value proposition is often largely missing in most business cases because they’re the result of upside down thinking.

Written by Jed Simms25 Aug. 09 12:20

THE BUSINESS CASE #2 – Why are we considering this?

The first section of a business case needs to justify why we are even considering this project/program. If you can’t justify its reason, rationale and relevance than the project should be immediately culled.

Written by Jed Simms25 Aug. 09 12:45