Stories by Lucian Constantin

Proposed encrypted media support in HTML5 sparks DRM debate on W3C mailing list

A proposal drafted by Microsoft, Google and Netflix to add support for encrypted media playback in HTML5, has sparked a <a href="">debate</a> on the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) HTML public mailing list.

Written by Lucian Constantin25 Feb. 12 04:40

Researcher releases exploit code that can allegedly crash pcAnywhere

Exploit code targeting a newly identified vulnerability in Symantec's pcAnywhere computer remote control product has been published on the Internet, exposing its users to possible attacks that disrupt the software's functionality.

Written by Lucian Constantin23 Feb. 12 02:58

Researchers defeat video CAPTCHA antispam tests

A team of researchers has devised a method to defeat NuCaptcha, one of the most popular video-based antispam tests on the Internet, and have proposed a solution to increase its resilience to attacks.

Written by Lucian Constantin22 Feb. 12 01:03

Mozilla gives CAs a chance to come clean about certificate policy violations

Mozilla has asked all certificate authorities (CAs) to revoke subordinate CA certificates currently used for corporate SSL traffic management, offering an amnesty to any CAs that had breached Mozilla's conditions for having their root certificates ship with its products.

Written by Lucian Constantin21 Feb. 12 01:24

DDoS attackers start targeting IPv6 networks

Cybercriminals have started launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against networks that transmit data over IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), according to a <a href="">report</a> published recently by DDoS mitigation vendor Arbor Networks.

Written by Lucian Constantin17 Feb. 12 06:40