Stories by John Cox

iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending Dec. 20

The iOSphere was riven by controversy as "experts" dueled on iPhone 6 announcement dates. The fact that it was a phony controversy only made it more intolerable.

Written by John Cox20 Dec. 13 22:54

iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending Dec. 12

The iOSphere quivered with the knowledge that we are just months away from being able to caress Apple's first curved display, which will appear in the iPhone 6. This sure and certain knowledge is due to the fact that Apple just received a patent for a curved display.

Written by John Cox13 Dec. 13 15:46

iPhone 6 rumour rollup for the week ending December 9

The iOSphere sizzled as heated speculation and anticipation of the iPhone 6 being able to detect and recognize your face kept spirits buoyant. Though why remains a mystery.

Written by John Cox09 Dec. 13 15:31

A few finally find HotSpot 2.0 Wi-Fi connections

There are currently several million smartphones certified to run on a "HotSpot 2.0" Wi-Fi network. In November, about 400 of them finally got a chance to do so -- in Beijing, China.

Written by John Cox05 Dec. 13 18:22

BlackBerry open letter to customers is long on cliches

An "open letter" from BlackBerry's interim CEO, John Chen, to "enterprise customers and partners" is filled with wishful thinking, unfounded promises and a wealth of clichés. But without actions, the reassuring words -- if anything -- underline BlackBerry's precarious future.

Written by John Cox02 Dec. 13 23:24

iPhone 6 rumor rollup for the week ending Nov. 22

The iOSphere has gone gaga over what everyone says is a "report" that iPhone 6 will have a big screen and we now know how big. Thank heavens for "insiders."

Written by John Cox22 Nov. 13 19:33

iPhone 6 rumour rollup for the week ending November 15

Fortunately for the iOSphere, Bloomberg found a "person familiar with Apple's plans" to spill the beans and provide a week's worth of rumour cud-chewing over the iPhone 6 display.

Written by John Cox15 Nov. 13 21:22

Apple iWatch to come in two sizes, analyst claims

Apple's "iWatch" will come with OLED displays in two sizes, for men and women, according to an analyst who specializes in the Asian display market. So far, there's no indication that the colors will be blue or pink.

Written by John Cox14 Nov. 13 18:17

Cruise line plans 11ac network upgrades for stem-to-stern Wi-Fi

People sign up for cruise ships to get away from it all. But not quite all: Passengers still want Wi-Fi access for the growing number of mobile devices they lug with them on vacation for staying in touch, web surfing, music, photos and video. Cruise line Royal Caribbean is turning to 802.11ac to optimize their Wi-Fi connectivity for this mobile data deluge.

Written by John Cox13 Nov. 13 15:21

OS X Mavericks corralled by JAMF's new Apple management suite

For decades, Microsoft has ruled the enterprise end user space, but as "mobility" has expanded to include smartphones and tablets, Apple is now a leading vendor for enterprise IT. And the success of iOS devices is sparking a wider enterprise interest in OS X computers.

Written by John Cox11 Nov. 13 22:15

iPhone 6 rumour rollup for the week ending November 11

As the weather in North America chills, the temperature of the iOSphere is increasing, as many fixate on June 2014 as the date for iPhone 6, the "real" iPhone instead of, you know, the disappointing iPhone 5 and the 5S that looks so much like it.

Written by John Cox11 Nov. 13 18:26

BlackBerry now seeks lenders not buyers ... and new CEO

Foundering BlackBerry has given up for now on finding a buyer. Instead the smartphone company is seeking an infusion of cash from some investors, and shaking up its board and executive leadership.

Written by John Cox04 Nov. 13 18:10