IT Value / News

Ellison, Phillips, McDermott to take stand in Oracle-SAP retrial

During the upcoming retrial of Oracle's corporate-theft lawsuit against SAP, the companies plan to call a star-studded array of tech executives as witnesses including CEO Larry Ellison, former Oracle co-president and current Infor CEO Charles Phillips and SAP co-CEO Bill McDermott, according to court documents filed Thursday.

Written by Chris Kanaracus24 May 12 16:49

Wolfram expands into system modeling

Expanding beyond its scientific and engineering number-crunching software, Mathematica maker Wolfram Research released a desktop application for full-scale system modeling and simulation, the company announced Wednesday.

Written by Joab Jackson23 May 12 21:04

IT Budgets, cybersecurity top federal CIO concerns

Ask federal CIOs what keeps them up at night, and you'll hear an earful. From cybersecurity and governance policy to modernization initiatives and adjusting to tightening budget constraints, CIOs in the federal government have their hands full, according to a new study from the advocacy organization TechAmerica and the consulting firm Grant Thornton.

Written by Kenneth Corbin05 May 12 03:48

One CIO's answer for improving healthcare IT

As senior VP and CIO of Yale New Haven Health System and Yale School of Medicine, Daniel Barchi had the formidable task of integrating three separate IT teams while lowering healthcare costs and providing tools that facilitate quality services for patients.

Written by Phil Schneidermeyer01 May 12 06:34

ITIL: Five steps to successful adoption

ITIL, the IT service management (ITSM) best practice framework, has come on in leaps and bounds since it was first introduced due to theUK government's disillusionment with the way that governmental IT was delivered in the latter half of the 1980s.

Written by Stephen Mann16 Feb. 12 03:43

Think Tank: An elevator pitch for your project

When you are a project owner, manager or a sponsor you are often asked what the project is about. It is important because bosses, employees, customers, and partners all need to ‘buy-in’ and become excited about your idea. They will form an initial impression in three minutes or less. This first impression is the lens through which everything else is viewed.

Written by Hemant Kogekar07 Feb. 12 12:02

Deceased Surfline founder to be remembered Sunday

Surfers around the world are getting ready to honor Surfline founder and president Sean Collins, who died December 26 from a sudden heart attack. He was 59-years-old. Collins turned a hobby into a profitable surf forecasting business relied-on by many surfers and ocean enthusiasts.

Written by Kerry Davis07 Jan. 12 08:22

OpDemand service aims to ease IaaS deployments

OpDemand on Thursday opened its service that automates deployment of cloud infrastructure to all users. The service is free to use initially.

Written by Nancy Gohring18 Nov. 11 06:28

Criminals turn to 'card-trapping' at ATM machines to get cash

Criminals are embracing methods to trap debit and credit cards in ATMs for retrieval later, a move believed to be motivated by better security measures designed to ensure card details are not copied at the machines, according to an industry group.

Written by Jeremy Kirk19 Oct. 11 23:44

CIO Summit Roundtable: Application specific SLAs for the enterprise

Some enterprises have centralised, moved consolidated global ICT assets without giving much thought to the performance of their business applications. While consolidation can help to lower costs, users can have very different experiences for accessing data and applications based on the physical distance to the data centre, where latency may be an issue.

Written by Georgina Swan12 Oct. 11 11:06

IT Outsourcing Survey: Provider Profits Shrink, Growth Slows in India

Established IT outsourcers are getting squeezed at both ends of the competitive spectrum. According to the annual offshore outsourcing survey conducted by Duke University's Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) and PwC, incumbent India-based and U.S. IT service providers are under pressure from outsourcing upstarts in other countries that are stealing market share from them and from existing clients demanding price reductions.

Written by Stephanie Overby12 Oct. 11 04:05

OpenWorld 2011: Decade of high 'lights on' IT spend industry's fault

Despite a decade of vendor promises, the IT industry has largely failed to lessen the percentage of tech budgets dedicated to ‘keeping the lights on’ at the expense of freeing up spend for innovation, Oracle OpenWorld 2011 attendees have heard.

Written by Tim Lohman04 Oct. 11 04:44

How to undertake needs assessment

To undertake needs assessment, there are some basics steps that you can work through to assess what resources will be required to complete a project.

Written by CIO Staff21 Sept. 11 09:00

Project communications: To blog or not to blog?

We have all been told that communication with all stakeholders, particularly the core project team, is one of the central responsibilities of the Project Manager.

Written by Gary Hamilton, Gareth Byatt and Jeff Hodgkinson12 July 11 11:43

Indian vs American programmers

If there were ever an IT Olympics, in which software developers could compete to solve programming problems, the event would likely take place on Gild, an online career development community where IT professionals from around the world do just that.

Written by Meridith Levinson07 July 11 07:23
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