
atari - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • How the Mac made a hacker out of me

    As long as I can remember, I've had an interest in computer programming. I started tinkering as a kid back in the early 1980s with a TI-99-4A and Atari XL Series (remember those membrane keyboards?), Atari STs and Apple II's. Most of that was just goofy kid stuff, sorting baseball and hockey cards and stuff that was Star Trek related.

    Written by Zeus Kerravala21 Jan. 14 13:11
  • Atari's US operations file for bankruptcy protection

    Iconic video game company Atari has filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. in an effort to separate operations from parent company Atari SA, which is based on France and has also filed for bankruptcy.

    Written by Agam Shah21 Jan. 13 19:50
  • After Hours (video games) Tech Treasures [2011 Cool Yule Tools]

    When we first started doing the Cool Yule Tools holiday gift guides, our “After Hours” section used to cover all of the “<a href="">entertainment</a>” devices, toys, gadgets and video games. With the explosion of home entertainment, personal entertainment and other consumer electronics, the entire guide is practically an “After Hours” section. Still, here are some of our picks of favorite video games and other “after work” distractions for you or your family:

    Written by Network World staff21 Nov. 11 17:32
  • The history of Atari computers

    Atari hasn't always been all about gaming. From the late '70s to the early '90s, the company produced a series of interesting and unusual desktops and laptops, including one that had a starring role in 'Terminator 2.'

    Written by Benj Edwards28 April 11 14:28