Brad Smith - News, Features, and Slideshows

News about Brad Smith
  • US lawmakers introduce two bills to protect email privacy

    A long-standing effort to extend privacy protections to email and other data in the cloud got new life Thursday when U.S. lawmakers introduced not one, but two bills to reform the country's electronic privacy laws.

    Written by Grant Gross13 Feb. 15 09:54
  • Microsoft gets allies to help tell US to back off on Irish search warrant

    The U.S. Department of Justice should back off its request for Microsoft to turn over a suspect's digital documents stored on a server in Ireland, or be prepared for other governments demanding documents stored on U.S. servers, the company's general counsel said.

    Written by Grant Gross16 Dec. 14 06:49
  • Microsoft's Smith calls for new privacy push in Congress

    Congress needs to do more to protect private data of U.S. citizens from government surveillance and the misuse of technology by companies, a top Microsoft executive said Tuesday.

    Written by Grant Gross25 June 14 03:47
  • Schneier on NSA's encryption defeating efforts: Trust no one

    The U.S. National Security Agency's efforts to defeat encrypted Internet communications, detailed in news stories this week, are an attack on the security of the Internet and on users' trust in the network, some security experts said.

    Written by Grant Gross06 Sept. 13 20:06