Freeware / shareware - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Keep an eye on kids' Facebook shenanigans with MinorMonitor

    If you have kids of a certain age, chances are, they're on Facebook. A lot. Connecting with friends you may--or may not--know. Talking about things you may--or may not--understand. Keeping them safe can seem like a daunting task, but it's one that's a lot easier with the help of MinorMonitor. This free, Web-based app competes with pricier solutions such as SocialShield and ZoneAlarm's SocialGuard, and does an admirable job of alerting parents to potential threats.

    Written by Liane Cassavoy26 Oct. 11 08:03
  • Looking for Free Software? A new directory can help

    There are free and open source alternatives to just about every proprietary software package available today--the trick is just finding the right ones for your business.

    Written by Katherine Noyes30 Sept. 11 09:34
  • Use Linux-like virtual deskops with VirtuaWin

    Anyone familiar with Linux is probably familiar with virtual desktops. If you're not, download VirtuaWin and take a look. This utility takes your Windows desktop, clones it up to nineteen times, then lets you switch between them. The idea is to keep a set of related programs or documents on each desktop to help organize things for people who leave lots of applications and documents open.

    Written by Jon L. Jacobi28 Sept. 11 06:40
  • Ubuntu's next Unity begins to take shape

    With the possible exception of GNOME 3, few recent innovations in the Linux world have proven as controversial as the Unity desktop included in Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal."

    Written by Katherine Noyes18 Aug. 11 09:48
  • WebFilter Chrome extension

    WebFilter is a free Chrome extension designed to block access to objectionable or dangerous sites, including those that are pornographic, harbor malware, show drug use, or are heavy bandwidth users. It's a generally useful tool, although it is somewhat marred by its surprising inability to block at least one very obvious problematic site.

    Written by Preston Gralla20 July 11 08:49
  • TrackMeNot add-on keeps search engine profilers confused

    The free TrackMeNot Firefox add-on takes a unique and creative approach to protecting your privacy from search engines that can create profiles of you based on terms you search for. Rather than hiding your searches from them in some way, it takes the exact opposite tack: It inundates search engines with a blizzard of background searches from you, so that no practical profile can be built because there are too many random searches. It generates those search terms from a group of RSS feeds from sites including the New York Times, CNN, and others.

    Written by Preston Gralla17 July 11 23:50
  • 10 must-have free Firefox 4 add-ons

    The recently released Firefox 4 is a big improvement over previous versions of the popular Web browser, but you can still teach it plenty of tricks.

    Written by Preston Gralla30 April 11 01:32
  • TestDisk, PhotoRec fix disks, recover files

    If you're a fan of character-based interfaces -- such as DOS -- and free data recovery, you're going to love TestDisk and its companion utility, PhotoRec (a brother program included in the TestDisk download). Both free programs run in a DOS box or from a command line and test, report on, fix common disk boot problems, and recover files from damaged hard drives. All this is done at low level, below the operating system.

    Written by Jon L. Jacobi21 March 11 01:56
  • 10 Must-Have Free Downloads

    Some downloadable software is so good that you just have to grab it. Unfortunately, often you have to pay for it after you try it out. But every once in a while, a must-have program is totally free. Such indispensable, no-cost programs are the hardest kind to find.

    Written by Preston Gralla15 March 11 11:40
  • Patch software with free Secunia PSI

    One of the biggest security threats out there doesn't come from malicious hackers or online identity thieves. It actually comes from you, the innocent PC user and your out-of-date software. But you can put an end to that threat with the free Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI), which identifies and helps patch the problematic programs you may be running.

    Written by Liane Cassavoy28 Jan. 11 05:40
  • Latest VoxOx Beta

    It's no secret that managing your contacts and communications has become a full-time job in itself. But the latest version of VoxOx, a free service that works in conjunction with a free application, certainly can make the job easier. VoxOx unifies most of your contacts and your communications services, allowing you to stay in touch with (almost) everyone, almost all of the time.

    Written by Liane Cassavoy26 Jan. 11 10:11
  • 10 must-have Google Chrome extensions

    With every passing month, Google Chrome is becoming increasingly popular. Fans laud its lean, stripped-down interface, and its fast browsing. They also appreciate the free extensions that give Chrome the ability to do all kinds of nifty things.

    Written by Preston Gralla25 Jan. 11 01:39
  • Chrome to phone

    Android phones are remarkable devices, and essentially are full-blown computers that fit in your hand. In lots of ways, they work well with your PC -- but not in all ways. One of the biggest issues is Android's handling of bookmarks and browser information. Your Android browser doesn't talk to your PC browser, and vice versa. If you find a Web page on your PC that you want to save as a bookmark, it won't be saved to your Android browser. Chrome to Phone is a nifty, free workaround.

    Written by Preston Gralla17 Dec. 10 09:47
  • Google helpers: 9 downloads to tweak Chrome, Gmail, and more

    Like everyone else on the Internet, you likely use one or more of Google's many services, from search to Gmail to Google Calendar to Google Docs. And like plenty of other people, you probably have wished that these services could do even more, or that you could make them run exactly the way you wanted.

    Written by Preston Gralla15 Dec. 10 00:52
  • New Notepads: Better, stronger, faster

    Much as coelacanths have changed only slightly despite millions of years of evolution, some bundled Windows apps have scarcely progressed since the dawn of Microsoft's operating system. Today's Notepad text editor, for one, barely differs from the 1985 version.

    Written by Ian Harac11 Dec. 10 02:25