Technology Topics | Operating Systems - News, Features, and Slideshows

News about Technology Topics | Operating Systems
  • Microsoft's Windows Launches Through the Years

    The launch of Windows 8 last year was the biggest product launch in the industry's history. How do the company's previous Windows launches stack up? Follow the timeline of Microsoft's operating system releases in this infographic.

    Written by Thor Olavsrud29 Oct. 13 20:13
  • Does Mavericks Burst Open the Door to BYOD for OS X?

    By offering a free Mac OS X upgrade that's (quietly) enterprise-friendly, Apple may have found a way to appeal to both the consumer and business sides of Mac users' persona. And once they have a chance to test it, it may even make CIOs happy.

    Written by Tom Kaneshige24 Oct. 13 13:14
  • Windows 7, iOS, BYOD redefine enterprise OS landscape

    Led by Windows 7, Microsoft's operating systems still control the enterprise, but the software giant's days of dominance are waning. As a recent Forrester report highlights, mobile devices and BYOD have made the state of enterprise operating systems far more complex.

    Written by Shane O'Neill25 April 13 19:19
  • Windows XP to Windows 8: Don't go there

    A majority of enterprises have migrated to Windows 7 or are planning to do so. But for Windows XP holdouts ready to side-step Windows 7 for the upcoming Windows 8 OS, you are risking a gap in support, stresses research firm Gartner in a new "first take" analysis of Windows 8 migration in the enterprise.

    Written by Shane O'Neill22 Sept. 11 07:17
Features about Technology Topics | Operating Systems
  • How to support Windows XP now that Microsoft isn't

    Official Microsoft support for Windows XP has ended. However, as many as 20 per cent of business endpoints still use the popular operating system. If your company ranks among those still using XP, here's how you can protect your machines from the forthcoming onslaught of security vulnerabilities.

    Written by Paul Rubens07 April 14 23:54
  • How to prepare for Windows 8 even though it's not coming to enterprises

    Windows 8 won't be adopted as a standard at your business anytime soon, according to a new Forrester report. But that doesn't mean IT shouldn't prepare for it to sneak through the BYOD side door. Here are five ways to be ready for Windows 8.

    Written by Shane O'Neill20 May 13 20:08
  • How to downgrade from Windows 8

    For a variety of reasons, some businesses are looking to downgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 7. The good news is that Microsoft's business licenses come with downgrade rights, but the catch is that the rules can be tricky and compliance could become an issue. Here are some clarifications on your rights when downgrading from Windows 8 or standardising on earlier Microsoft operating systems.

    Written by Paul Rubens14 March 13 20:20
  • Top 12 Microsoft Stories of 2012

    It was a challenging year for Microsoft as it continued to adapt to a mobile world and launched Windows 8. Here's a look back at the most popular stories and slideshows about Microsoft from 2012.

    Written by Shane O'Neill18 Dec. 12 22:01