Samsung Galaxy Tab can control your home

Samsung Galaxy Tab can control your home

Samsung’s upcoming tablet has been shown controlling not only a TV, but an oven, a washing machine, and more.

The future is now with Samsug's Galaxy Tab and the Home Watcher remote, if a Samsung demo that made its way onto YouTube is anything to go by.

As the demo shows, a widget on the Galaxy Tab not only gives you handy helpers like the weather or recipes, but it can also turn on the oven to cook the recipe, add a timer, and adjust the oven's temperature at the touch of a screen.

It can also control other items around your home, like washing machines, dryers, TVs, stoves and vacuums. Also, it can give you recipe suggests depending what you have in your refrigerator that day, and what the sell by dates are.

Sadly, the demo does not tell us when such technology will be available for consumers, or how it actually makes the magic happen. Instead, Samsung seems to be just showing off its new range of products that would work with the Galaxy Tab, shown off at this year's IFA event.

So although Samsung's tidy Home Watcher remote may not be a reality just yet, the mundane task of doing household chores is about to get just that bit more exciting (and lazier!).

[Via Engadget]

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