Kiwi dataminer looks for Sydney partner

Kiwi dataminer looks for Sydney partner

Planned expansion to use Australian expertise, offices

New Zealand-based business intelligence firm Datamine is preparing to ramp up its trans-Tasman presence by wooing potential Sydney suitors.

The organisation, which specialises in data analytics and develops business intelligence forecasts, is in talks with Australian datamining companies who can provide them with office space and expertise, instead of opening a Sydney branch.

Datamine managing director, Sally Carey, said a firm date for any potential partnership has not been set but she expects to make an announcement later this year.

“We’d be looking to partner with a large company," she said. "The Australian market is five times larger than New Zealand and we appreciate it can be hard to break into."

Carey also said the expansion will be helped by working with New Zealand customers who have established a presence in Australia.

“As we’re a New Zealand company we’d prefer to keep our head office in Auckland but if staff wanted to work in Sydney with the Australian partner there would be an opportunity for them to do so,” she said.

Datamine acquired 12 new customers in 2011, which Carey did not name for confidentiality reasons but the company has worked with IAG Australia in the past.

The expansion comes after rapid growth in the New Zealand market during 2010, with eight more staff hired for its Auckland office to take its headcount to 22 staff.

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Tags business intelligenceNew ZealandDatamine

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