IT managers could face Olympic network overload

IT managers could face Olympic network overload

Prepare for bandwidth spikes and slow networks says vendor

Employees wanting to watch their favourite Aussie team in action online at work could spell an Olympic-sized headache for IT managers, according to a networking vendor’s statistics.

BlueCoat has estimated that during the Olympics, which starts today, a single user watching one video could consume as much as 30 per cent of a T1 connection --1.5 megabits per second (Mbps) -- or 25 per cent (2.048 Mbps) of an E1 connection.

Read: Getty Images focuses 3D cameras on Olympics

The company provided three tips for improving network performance during the Olympics.:

A real-time view of Web content on the network traffic to identify and measure the utilisation of millions of rich content sites.

Quality of service (QoS) policies that can specifically limit video traffic related to the Olympics to 10 per cent or less of the network, so it does not impact the performance of business applications.

Caching of on-demand Olympic video to reduce the impact of multiple employees watching the same videos.

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