Toll Transitions fast tracks ADF staff relocations

Toll Transitions fast tracks ADF staff relocations

Deploys new business rules engine to speed up the process of relocating 25,000 Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel each year.

Logistics provider Toll Transitions has deployed a business rules engine that speeds up the process of relocating 25,000 Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel each year.

Toll Transitions was selected by the ADF in late 2009 to implement Oracle Policy Automation under a five-year, $1 billion contract.

OPA enables the organisation to determine in a matter of seconds whether or not an ADF member is entitled to be relocated for their travel, accommodation, allowances and reimbursements. This previously took two days of manual processing.

Relocation applications can also be processed in 30 minutes, compared to two days previously.

Toll Transitions built this capability by deriving complex source material from the ADF’s Pay and Conditions Manual, which contains 12,000 decision tree entries. These were configured in OPA to create a set of executable rules to automate the relocation process.

The engine also enables the ADF to better audit its operating expenses in relation to removals and relocations. Because it is consistent across all calculations for entitlements and allowance payments, the ADF has a single point of audit to ensure that the correct decisions are being made.

“Critically, the deployment removes uncertainty around whether or not personnel are receiving correct entitlements and ensures answers to members’ questions are consistent across all channels such as online and through our call centre,” Nigel Maloney, national manager, strategic systems at Toll Transitions said in a prepared statement.

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