CA Technologies partners with Westcon Group on Cloud-based network performance management

CA Technologies partners with Westcon Group on Cloud-based network performance management

Australian Cloud provider, radixcloud, to assist with implementation

CA Technologies will offer network performance management via the Cloud together with the Westcon Group.

The jointly developed go-to market strategy, which also brings in Cloud provider, radixcloud Australia, will provide several CA Technologies converged infrastructure management products to enterprises and the mid-market over the Cloud.

CA Technologies Australia and New Zealand senior channel director, Klasie Holtzhausen, said the move is a result of the vendor looking to expand its growth in the market and how it can do that through accelerating its business through the channel.

“We always look at creative ways to build additional revenue streams for their business,” he said.

“This includes for opportunities for how to help traditional partners that would resell and deploy on-premise solutions to get involved in more managed services, especially for the Cloud.”

Holtzhausen said the move will give these partners access to solutions that are rapid and easy to deploy, and come at a reduced cost.

“That got us thinking and we have a strong portfolio that supports Cloud based solutions,” he said.

“So we are in fact leveraging one of our solutions in the Cloud that host and deliver this network management service from the Cloud to the customers.”

All about the value

Holtzhausen sees the main appeal of the setup being the fact that the vendor is able to simplify how it offers solutions and leveraging the Cloud to do it.

“A lot of vendors, partners and customers talk about the Cloud, and it has a different meaning to different people,” he said.

“Not everyone is always ready to adapt and leverage the benefits the Cloud brings.”

What this development is intended to demonstrate to CA Technologies’ partners and distributors such as the Westcon Group is the value the vendor can bring be delivering innovative solutions that are “cheaper, better, faster and adds value to partners.”

“The fact that we can take a quality solution like this and offer it from the Cloud, as well as the benefits that will bring, is the exciting part for me, and it should be for partners as well,” Holtzhausen said.

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