BluGlass-SPTS JV commences operations

BluGlass-SPTS JV commences operations

Semiconductor manufacturing technology developer BluGlass (ASX:BLG) has revealed that its joint venture with SPTS commenced operations on Monday.

The JV has been set up to develop BluGlass' proprietary Remote Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (RPCVD) manufacturing technique.

RPCVD is a form of chemical vapour deposition, the process used in the semiconductor industry to create thin films for use in the chips.

The JV seeks to become a leading developer of RPCVD equipment, CEO Giles Bourne told investors at the company's AGM.

The venture has a short-term objective of achieving the production of single crystal material grown using the technology, which would allow it to build an alpha demonstration system to show off to customers, he said.

BluGlass - which maintains full ownership of the IP rights behind its manufacturing technique - will simultaneously develop a global patent portfolio, as well as a business selling RPCVD equipment to solar panel manufacturers.

“In summary, 2011 will see BluGlass advance its technology goals and move towards productisation and commercialisation,” Bourne said.

SPTS is a subsidiary of Sumitomo Precision Products (SPP), a Tokyo-listed technology manufacturer.

BLG shares on Monday closed 3.33% higher at $0.155.

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Tags semiconductorsBluGlassjoint ventureSPPASX:BLGGiles Bourne

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