TelstraClear looking for damage after power surge

TelstraClear looking for damage after power surge

Telstra's (ASX:TLS) New Zealand subsidiary, TelstraClear, is visiting some customers to determine if they had equipment damaged by a power surge at one of its roadside cabinets.

TelstraClear staff have been knocking on the doors of some 200 homes in the Lower Hutt area connected to the affected cabinet.

Only equipment connected to fixed phone lines at the addresses would have been disrupted or damaged by the surge.

TelstraClear said it had launched a full investigation into the incident, and was inspecting all 240 of the roadside cabinets of the same type in Wellington and Kapiti as an extra precaution.

The company meanwhile apologised to customers affected by an outage of its and Paradise email services on Monday.

While no emails were lost during the outage, there may have been delays as a result of synchronising issues between TelstraClear's servers and individual email accounts, the company said.

Some customers have been experiencing ongoing issues logging into their email accounts, but these can be fixed by reverting or resetting their passwords, the company advised.

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Tags TelstraNew ZealandTelstraClearASX:TLS

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