Mobilarm sees removal of hurdle to global growth

Mobilarm sees removal of hurdle to global growth

Marine safety technology developer Mobilarm (ASX:MBO) has revealed it is confident it is close to gaining international regulatory approval for the technology used in its emergency man overboard system.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) recently approved the use of open loop VHF Digital Selective Calling (VHF DSC) technology in maritime survivor locating systems, Mobilarm said.

DSC was originally designed to initiate radiotelephone calls between ships or between ships and land. Use of the technology is proscribed in the Global Maritime Distress Safety System set of maritime safety standards.

Mobilarm uses VHF DHC open loop beacons in its Mobilarm V100 man overboard system.

ACMA has already moved to approve the use of open loop VHF DSC in man overboard systems, but international regulatory approval is only now moving to advanced stages, Mobilarm said.

The company said an ITU decision paves the way for international regulatory approval, and the devices being formally recognised by the International Maritime Organisation.

“Until now, Mobilarm has been restricted by regulatory approvals on where it can sell its [product],” CEO Lindsay Lyon said. “The international regulatory move to accept VHF DSC open loop beacons removes this significant trade barrier.”

He added that Mobilarm recently won a contract form the US Navy to develop a version of the V100 for use in submarines.

MBO shares stayed flat in Wednesday's trading at $0.079.

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Tags regulationexpansionituMobilarmASX:MBOLindsay Lyon

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