Review: Olloclip Quick-Flip Case for iPhone 5

Review: Olloclip Quick-Flip Case for iPhone 5

I'm a big fan of the Olloclip 3-in-one Photo Lens package (about $70), which gives iPhone users three different lenses (fisheye, macro and wide angle) for taking additional styles of photos. The system is very easy to use - the lenses snap onto the outside of your phone's regular camera lens very quickly.

The latest add-on from Olloclip is its Quick-Flip Case (about $50) - this gives you a hardback case for your iPhone 5 to provide additional drop protection, as well as an attachment that lets you connect a tripod (or monopod) as well as additional shoe-based accessories (such as a small LED light attachment). The package also includes an adapter that lets you use the case with a 5th-generation iPod touch.

There's also a very handy design feature of the case - the top of it flips around the photo lens area to let you attach one of your Olloclip lenses. This flipped part then arcs around to the bottom of the phone, giving you a shutter button for taking photos. If you want, you can basically take a photo the "old-fashioned" way by pushing a button instead of pushing the on-screen camera button on the iPhone. When you're done, the flip-part returns to its original position to provide protection for that corner of the phone.

My only complaint about the case is a small bit of difficulty opening and closing the flip part of the lens cover - once it snaps in you can't really open it with your thumb - you have to use your fingernail and snap it up to release it.

The case comes with two color options - black or white, and if you don't already own the Olloclip lenses, you can buy a bundle for about $100 that gives you the lenses and the case.

If you are serious about taking more (and better) photos and videos with your iPhone 5, the Olloclip lenses and cases are a great bunch of add-ons that can enhance your projects.

Grade: 4 stars (out of five).

Shaw can be reached at Follow him on Twitter: @shawkeith

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