Queensland government to provide 200 services online by 2015

Queensland government to provide 200 services online by 2015

Members of the public will use a single log in to access government services

The Queensland government will move around 200 services online by 2015 as part of its 'one stop shop plan’ to deliver multi-channel services to ratepayers across the state.

Andrew Spina, deputy director-general at Queensland's Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, said ‘The Queensland Plan’, currently under development, will provide a strategic direction, which is “something CIOs and a lot of people have been crying out for”.

The one stop shop initiative will be implemented to support the Queensland Plan and follows the release of the Queensland government’s IT action plan in late August.

Spina, who was speaking at CIO Australia’s digital assets breakfast event in Brisbane on Tuesday, said only 28 per cent of government services are currently online which “is a long way from where we need to be”.

The intention with the one stop shop plan is to move as many services as possible to digital channels, particularly to rural and regional communities focusing on the key areas of health and education in these communities.

“We have identified about 900 services that the Queensland government provides, which cost us about $400 million per year to deliver the direct customer interaction for these services through counter, phone and digital channels” Spina said.

"One of the first one stop shop online improvements was to support the public during natural disasters which are unfortunately common place here in Queensland,” he said. "But now we will be working to make sure that 100 per cent of services have information available online. That will address a major gap in the ability for Queenslanders to get access to information they need quickly.

“Key areas we are focusing on now are areas such as births, deaths and marriages; anywhere where there are high transaction volumes is where we will target initially,” he said.

“Around 90 per cent of the transaction volumes that the government provides to the public are 'information provision' or basic routine transactions that can be delivered online.”

Related: Queensland gets a new CIO. Related: Queensland Police Service lags behind in IT. Related: Queensland Health payroll: IT “train wrecks” preventable.

The Queensland government also plans to provide an “authentication capability” that enables members of the public to use a single log in to access government services online.

“Other initiatives include click-to-chat technology. We have a comprehensive call central capability and we are planning to integrate this with online channels.

“We will also be introducing the capability for a member of the public to change their address once and for that to be propagated across all systems in government where that address exists,” he said.

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Tags queensland governmentDepartment of ScienceInformation Technology and the ArtsAndrew Spina

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