​IBM appoints top cop to stop cyber crims

​IBM appoints top cop to stop cyber crims

Launches IBM National Cyber Security Centre in Canberra

IBM has launched a National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to be led by former AFP national manager of intelligence, Kevin Zuccato.

IBM said the centre - a physical, dedicated space within the vendor's office in Canberra - would provide government and the private sector ‘on the ground access’ to its cyber security technology and expertise.

It will be “a destination for government and organisations to proactively collaborate on strategy and policy” and “enable a shift from cyber hygiene to cyber resilience and enablement," the company said.

Those working with the NCSC will gain access to to IBM’s global threat sharing platform and new security technologies emerging from the existing IBM Australian Security Development Lab on the Gold Coast.

The centre will also be able to scramble teams of security experts in response to emergency incidents – ‘helping to overcome the skills gap faced by many organisations,' IBM said.

“To overcome the growing volume and sophistication of cyber-attacks, and the global shortage of skilled security professionals, organisations and government need to partner, draw greater insights from data and share information,” said Zuccato. “I look forward to working with IBM, our clients, partners and government to build Australia’s cyber security resilience.”

Zuccato spent more than five years as Assistant Commissioner at the AFP and five years leading the Australian High Tech Crime Centre. He played a leading role in establishing the Vietnamese High Tech Crime Centre.

Since May this year Zuccato has been managing director of Canberra-based GMT Solutions, a cyber security and intelligence consultancy.

“Robust cyber security defences are crucial to the future success and prosperity of the Australian economy,” said Kerry Purcell, managing director, IBM A/NZ.

“With the establishment of the IBM NCSC in Canberra we will provide a destination for government and organisations to proactively collaborate on strategy and policy.”

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Tags cybercrimeAFPAFP (Australian federal police)Cyber Security Strategy

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