Bigcommerce strikes integration deal with eBay

eBayLINK allows Bigcommerce users to do automatic product mapping and centralised inventory management

Online retailers across Australia and New Zealand will be able to access tens of millions of new potential customers using a multi-channel selling model, following a partnership between Bigcommerce and eBay Australia.

After two years of collaboration, Bigcommerce has integrated its hosted e-commerce platform with, under a partnership known as eBayLINK. This enables online retailers to list products and manage inventory on eBay, and do automatic product mapping and centralised inventory management.

The eBayLINK integration also provides customisable templates for product listings and fast bulk listings.

It also syncs eBay orders with stock levels and streamlines the process of order management, with product catalogue and inventory across different channels being controlled within the Bigcommerce platform, the companies said.

Customers can also be automatically alerted on their order status.

“In today’s competitive industry, retailers have an incredible opportunity to grow their business across multiple channels, and this integration gives them the opportunity to reach millions of new customers,' said eBay senior director of retailer growth, Tim MacKinnon.

“We’ve found the integration easy to use and update, and are constantly updating our stock as it sells out,” said an eBayLINK beta user, Kerrie Harrison of Baby Barn.