The road to becoming a future-state CIO

The road to becoming a future-state CIO

Business leaders provide some advice on how to move to a more strategic role within your organisation

Focusing on driving business strategy, building better relationships with other c-level executives, and moving your IT department from a cost to a profit centre were key themes at CIO Australia’s future-state CIO breakfast, sponsored by Canon.

CIOs gathered at Melbourne’s Sofitel on Collins to hear from business leaders about the changing role of the CIO role inside organisations and what it takes to become a future-state CIO.

In the video below, Dr Marianne Broadbent, a specialist in leadership and executive capabilities, and presenter at the future-state CIO breakfast, discusses what global CEOs really wants from their CIOs.

Dr Broadbent, who is a senior partner at advisory services firm EWK International, also talks about why some CIOs need to unlearn what they have learnt, and why resilience is a key trait of successful CIOs.

David Gibbons, who is CIO at Seek Limited and an executive coach, discusses why CIOs need to stop being internally-focused and engage with the rest of the business.

However, he admits that although CIOs want a seat at the boardroom table, some may find the new way of engaging with the business a bit uncomfortable.

He says this is ok given that there are companies who want capable CIOs who are more about “running the function than leading the organisation.”

Gibbons also explains the extent to which the business he works in influences his ability to be more strategic.

Finally, William Payne, general manager, strategy and innovation at Veolia Environmental Services provides advice for CIOs looking to make the transition from an operational role to business strategist.

He also talks about why it is ok to pick a fight in the boardroom if you feel the organisation needs to change direction; as well as the differences between mediocre and great CIOs.

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Tags CanonDavid Gibbonsfuture-state CIOWilliam PayneDr Marianne Broadbent

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